Sustainable Transport Planning

Applying Whole Lifecycle Delivery Experience to Travel Planning


Bringing Full Project Lifecycle Experience to Transport Planning

The Traffico Team have successfully delivered transport plans for retail parks, supermarkets, shopping centres, housing developments, petrol filling stations, motorway service areas and more complex sites such as airports, hospitals and city regions.

What is Sustainable Transport Planning?

We view sustainable transport planning as the provision of a framework plan designed to meet the development and transportation needs of a specific geographical area in a collaborative and methodical way.

Traffico’s Core Sustainable Transport Planning Services:

• Transport Policy Development
• Masterplan Design
• Active Travel Design
• Integrated Land Use & Transportation Planning
• Expert Witness

"The cumulative economic, social and environmental impacts of transport choices on development design are often overlooked. Our focus on making streets safer and more attractive will result in tangible cost savings for Developers, better social inclusion and reduced carbon emissions." – Martin Deegan

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